Discover your happiest and healthiest you.

Wise Old Tree prepares people to make positive choices for purposeful change.

Our coaching and workshops go deep, guiding you through activities that uncover hidden strengths within. There, you'll find the inspiration and confidence to grow into your happiest, healthiest you. 

Plant something new with deep roots. 


An old oak tree is my happy place.

A place that brings back memories from childhood growing up on a small farm in northeast Ohio. My younger sister and I playing in our orchard and exploring our woods. Marveling at the trees. Fascinated by their bark and their "personalities". Wondering about all that they had seen and experienced. Clean, crisp air. Running, climbing and laughing. Laying under a wise old tree, looking up at a blue sky with nothing but possibilities and only my imagination standing in my way. 

As I got older and moved away from home, I lost touch with my happy place and found myself feeling trapped and unfulfilled. I have spent the last 8 years intentionally finding my path back to the joy and fulfillment that I experienced with my sister, on our farm. Rediscovering the things that give me life and bring me joy. My special gifts. 


Wise Old Tree brings my passions and joys in life together and allows me to help others on their pathway to discover or recapture their happiest and healthiest version of themselves.

Our approach will make you smile and spark a step on your journey to living your best. 

In gratitude, 
Kathy Lentner



At Wise Old Tree we offer individual coaching and workshops for adults, teens and tweens. 

Topics we focus on include: 

  • Identifying your ideal vision of yourself
  • Building your strong foundation (mind and body)
  • Recognizing and managing stress in your daily life
  • Identifying your special gifts
  • Developing as a leader in life and business